ForestHer NC
Engaging Women In Woodland Stewardship

Learn more about the organization, leadership, and our commitment to Diversity, Equity & Inclusion.
Connect with ForestHer NC Committees, join our mailing list, and find us on social media.
Attend events across North Carolina from the Coast to the Piedmont and Mountain regions of the state.
Featuring stories of women landowners, stewards, and natural resource professionals.
ForestHerNC is an organization focused on supporting, educating,
and empowering a community of women landowners and natural resources professionals to engage in forest conservation and stewardship in North Carolina.
From the Coastal Plains and the Foothills of the Piedmont, to the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains, we engage women in woodland stewardship, and empower them to make decisions and craft the
future of our forests.

Map of participating ForestHers as of December 2022
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